Ing. Michal Štefl
project management, co-founder and member of the supervisory board
In 1994, Michal took over as the CEO of OHL ŽS, steadily one of the top five construction companies in the Czech Republic. In 2016, Michal became CEO of VTP Brno, a.s., and Vice President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce for Construction and Environment. He has experience in RES construction from the perspective of both investor and general contractor. As a co-founder of the Fund, he is mainly involved in the management of individual projects and investor relations.

Ing. Daniel Mahovský
development, co-founder and chairman of the supervisory board
Since 2009, Daniel has worked in managerial positions related to the development and implementation of RES. In 2019, he started his own company dedicated to the development of hydropower plants in Georgia, where he has previously developed and implemented hydropower projects with a total capacity of 40 MW. As a co-founder of the Fund, he is dedicated to development and investor relations.

Ing. Hana Kuncová
financial management
In 1997, Hana joined the ALTA Group, one of the leading business-engineering companies operating in Central and Eastern Europe. She was responsible for the management of the accounting and financial department, and since 2016, Hana has worked in CFO and CEO positions in other large groups. In the Fund, she focuses on financial management.

Ing. Tomáš Psota, MBA
marketing communications, member of the supervisory board
Tomáš is the President of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of South Moravia and a Board Member at Teplárny Brno (heat production plant). Previously, he worked atOHL ŽS, a.s. construction company, where he was responsible for corporate governance, and both external and internal communication. Tomáš is in charge of marketing communication of the Fund.

Ing. Martin Štěpánek
account manager, member of the supervisory board
Between 2002 and 2013, Martin worked in large banking institutions as a financial and investment specialist for corporate clients, and also as a financial analyst. Since 2014, he has been engaged in advisory activities in the field of collective investment, risk management and financing. He is an account manager within the Fund.

Ing. Karel Kraml
project development, member of the supervisory board
Karel has been involved in the construction of hydropower plants since 1999, and has overseen the construction of more than 30 hydropower plants worldwide. He currently serves as site and construction manager, and the CEO of a hydropower design and construction company. At the Fund, he is involved in the development of individual projects.